
Our core ensemble consists of:

Nina Sawant, Christine Lee, Lyra Levin, Seanmichael Polaris, Janelle Dinosaurs, Colin Creveling, Elijah Cherweznik, and Bunny Holmes.

Behind the Scenes:

Bunny Holmes (Artistic Director, Producer, management/administration, sound design, website & graphic design, social media, wearer-of-many-hats.)

Christophe Taylor (lines-puller for dynamic aerial routines)

Francesca Sapien (Stage Manager)

Brian Alvarez (photographer, logistics wizard, roustabout, acrobat)

Ian Grant Armstrong (photographer, production assistant)

Reese Brindisi (Photographer, roustabout, tour production manager, Lost Boy)

(All circus act development & choreography is highly collaborative in nature.)

HiNGE Development:

Storyboard & Concept by Bunny Holmes.

Lead Project Sponsors Melissa Contreras and Scott Watson.

Technical Director Naomi Hummel.

Script by Brian Feraru, Reese Brindisi, and Bunny Holmes.

Acrobatic & Dance Choreography by Naomi Hummel, Lyra Levin, Colin Creveling, Elijah Leone, and Bunny Holmes.

Music composed & produced by Jesse Buddington and Andrew Lowe. Cello by Unwoman, banjo by Nick Drummond, violin by Meredith Yayanos, vocals by Tilley, percussion by Andrew Lowe & Jesse Buddington,  and guitar by Matt Diamant. “Fig Leaf Rag”, “Gold Rush” & “Pinball Spring (Faster)” by Kevin MacLeod ( & a cassete rewind sound sample by Pogotron Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Game design team: Alexei Othenin-Girard, Gary Ware, Andrew Lowe, Kat Meler, and Yoshi Murai. Additional game/experience-design consulting: Albert Kong, Makai Powell, John “Seg” Seggerson, Elijah Leone Cherweznik, Bunny Holmes and Brian Feraru.

App development by Gary Ware. In-app graphic design by Bunny Holmes. Animation assist by Jazz Tigan.

Costumes by Gibbous Fashions and Subverse Industries. Rhinestone assist by Yuri Tajiri, Melissa Contreras, Lillian Berman, and Bunny Holmes.

Set design by Clody Cates

Puppet exoskeleton design & fabrication lead by Arashi Seiraika. Puppet construction assist by Lillian Berman, Reese Brindisi, Naomi Aeva, Elijah Leone Cherweznik, Brian Feraru, Colin Creveling, Rachel Ann, Shannon Walter, David Beihn, Courtney Holmes, and Bunny Holmes.

Puppet joint design & fabrication Jesse Vail, Elijah Leone Cherweznik, and Lyra Levin.

Puppet fur design & creation lead by Naomi Aeva, with digital assist by Joanna Stringer, Lillian Berman, Reese Brindisi.

Makeup design by Bunny Holmes.

Fragrances by Kat Meler.

Light & Theatrical Consulting Noah Nelson, and Michelle Mann.

Photography & Video by RJ Muna, Reese Brindisi, and Ryan Harpo Harbert. Video editing & poster/flier design by Bunny Holmes.

Production Consultant Elisabeth Aultman.

Outreach & Marketing Bunny Holmes, Robin Battey, Courtney Holmes, and a massive grassroots effort by our collaborators, friends, fans and family, who believe HiNGE is a work of magic worth believing in.

Honorable Mention to our 196 Indiegogo backers, creative-business consultant Aaron Muszalski, alpha & beta play-test audiences, and diligent editors: Sal Nevarez, Julia Udell, Neil Girling, and Jeff Saunders. As well as the incredibly supportive nonprofit orgs Circus Now, Circus Mecca, and our own fiscal sponsors, Fractured Atlas.

High Tide Cast:

Seanmichael Polaris, Nina Sawant, Colin Creveling, Christine Lee, Lyra Levin, Jeremy Vik, Janelle Dinosaurs, and Bunny Holmes.

No Graves, No Masters Cast:

Brian Feraru, Nate James, Seanmichael Polaris, Brian Alvarez, Lyra Levin, Christine Lee, Nina Sawant, Janelle Dinosaurs, Slater Penney, Colin Epstein, and Bunny Holmes

Charlie & The Chocolate Circus Cast:

Seanmichael PolarisElijah Leone CherweznikNina SawantBunny HolmesSlater PenneyAlthea YoungLyra LevinStephanie BaileyJon Deline

HiNGE Cast:

Brian Feraru, Reese Brindisi, Bunny HolmesElijah Leone CherweznikLyra LevinNaomi Aeva, Colin “DonkeyBoy” Creveling

Important Business Cast:

Brian Feraru, Bunny HolmesElijah Leone CherweznikSAM LuckeyKeely Ann Beyries Danielle Funkadelica 

A Perfect World Cast:

Brian Feraru, Bunny HolmesElijah Leone CherweznikSAM LuckeyKeely Ann Beyries , Carrie Sownie